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  • Cardo

Restless Spirit

"A Restless Spirit Loves To Roam"

We all have a restless spirit, that something inside of us that says "go for it, push the limits". This song was inspired by that feeling, written for my partner who embodies the true restless spirit. He lives to push the envelope, and discover both the world around him and the world that lives inside him as well.

He has inspired me to try to do the same. In fact, it was he who really pushed me into pursuing this new endeavor of being a recording artist, to venture into unknown territory. I firmly believe that in each of us there is that desire to explore that with which we are not all that familiar with, to step outside the boundaries. I wrote this song as both a homage and a constant reminder of that spirit in us all.

My dad, who was a very wise man, always preached that it is much harder to regret something you had the chance to do but didn't, rather than to regret something you did. From experience, I can tell you there is much truth in that statement. It accompanies that old adage of it's better to have tried and failed, than not to have tried at all. You really don't want to look back and say " I wish I had done that".

There is another feeling that emerges as result of stepping out of your comfort zone, and that is the feeling of freedom. There is certain sense of release that you get discovering uncharted territory, particularly uncharted territory within yourself. So here I'll let the song finish this post.

"A restless spirit lives to roam

To have the freedom to be on your own

Spread your wings, go on and fly

Don't let your whole life pass you by"

"You turn a page with every step you take

The future's your's, it's your"s to make

So spread those wings, go on and fly

Live your life, don't let it pass you by"

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