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"Restless Spirit" is the first release by Texas singer/songwriter Cardo.


Produced by Multi-Grammy Winning Award producer, David Kershenbaum, this stunning debut features heartfelt songs performed by Cardo, backed by an all star band. David's amazing production brings out both the nuances and the complexities of each beautiful song.

Production Credits:


Studios: Skip Saylor Studio, ASIA Studios, JT Studio, Eardish Studio

Engineers: Ian Blanch, Alex Todorov, Dave Jenkins, John Payne

Mixing Magician: Alex Todorov (R.I.P.)

Mastering Magician: Joe Bozzi

The Players:


Lead Vocals: Cardo

Guitars: Steve Smith, Mitch Brownstein

Keys: JT Thomas, Skip Edwards

Drums: Denny Fongheiser

Percussion: Sal Rodriguez

Pedal Steel: Doug Pettibone

Bass: Elijah Copeland, Jorgen Carlsson

Dobro, Weissenborn: Michael Witcher

Fiddle: Nate Lee

Backing Vocals: Chris Sanders, Steve Smith, Elijah Copeland, Fran Capasso, David Morgan, John Payne


How it all began.


I started working with David several years before this record came to be. It started out as an email exchange, and then evolved into multiple phone conversations with David and I  discussing music in general, my music and goals  in particular,  to make sure we connected and were on the same page. Eventually it ended up as a  3 day one on one workshop with him, which was extended to 5 days. At the conclusion of the workshop, he took me under his tutelage and guidance; his personal version of artist development, if you will. To say the experience was life changing is the ultimate understatement.

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Cardo and David listening to playback

The Songs:


1. Restless Spirit

    This song was inspired by and is a tribute to my partner of 30 years, Mark Paulda, who has an unrelenting spirit of adventure, exploration, and self discovery. His artistic talent has allowed him to capture this spirit in his amazing award winning photographs, which can be seen at Mark Paulda. com. 


2. One Of These Days

    You always hope that everything will turn out the way you want, that people are what they seem, and that words that are said are meant to the honest and true. "One Of These Days" addressed that hope, and prays that it is not an illusion.


3. The Perfect Disguise

    In a similar vein to the previous song, The Perfect Disguise obliquely addresses the concept of trying to make some sense out of all the confusion, lies, and chaos that is increasingly existing in our world.  Perhaps it is more relevant today, than when it was written.


4. Just A Chance

    Growing up on the border is a wonderful worldly experience, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Unfortunately, as with everything, there is the bad with the good. This song addresses the desperate situation of the poverty stricken people in Mexico that want nothing more than a chance at a better life.


5.  American Landscapes

    I'm not a "tree hugger" per se;  but I hate to see our beautiful natural resources destroyed in the name of greed. If you want to develop, fine; but do it intelligently, taking the environment around you into account. Bulldozers mowing down mountains, deserts and forests is not the answer.


6.  Christmas Eve Alone

     This is such a fun song! I actually wrote this on a Christmas Eve in a motel room in Fredericksburg, Texas around 2am, during a rare snowstorm there. It's one of those songs where everything just fell into place. With my good friend, Chris Sanders, we finished the song during a bluegrass camp.



All songs written by Cardo, Chris Sanders, and Steve Smith; with a nod of approval by David K.


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Cardo & Friends, country music, rock music, songwriting courses, songwriting workshops, mentorships, folk music, music education, alternative music, songwriting, music videos


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